Mirror, Mirror
Shall I remain forever aloof
Like a dusty cloud of ambivalence;
A matching mirror nodding its
Unjustified equivalence?
Should I resign and agreeably feign
To enjoy that cloud of levity -
Deny myself and so remain
A chasm of passivity?
And what use are words on laden ears?
And whose words can dry fallen tears?
For talk is cheap and quickly sold
To hide a shoulder frozen cold.
Yet still no warmth can silence bring,
Such vacancy bears no repose.
So absence and advice alike
Appear officiously imposed.
Alas, the matching mirror cracks
From wise words seen but never spoken.
And those words uttered sadly fade
Their images now all but broken.
But shattered glass can still detect
The history of those that pass.
Each broken piece still more reflects;
A thousand shards, a thousand paths.
Thus I remain that looking glass,
A myriad of depth disguised.
For every image within itself
Holds its own potential realized.